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Top Undervalued Small Caps In Hong Kong With Insider Buying For September 2024

Simply Wall St·09/15/2024 23:02:57
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As global markets navigate through a period of economic adjustments, the Hong Kong market has shown resilience, with the Hang Seng Index experiencing modest fluctuations amid broader concerns about inflation and economic growth. In this environment, small-cap stocks with insider buying can present unique opportunities for investors seeking value. Identifying undervalued small-cap stocks often involves looking at companies where insiders are purchasing shares, signaling confidence in their future prospects despite current market volatility.

Top 10 Undervalued Small Caps With Insider Buying In Hong Kong

Name PE PS Discount to Fair Value Value Rating
Shenzhen International Holdings 5.7x 0.7x 24.62% ★★★★★★
Shanghai Chicmax Cosmetic 15.0x 1.9x -121.46% ★★★★☆☆
EVA Precision Industrial Holdings 4.5x 0.2x 16.21% ★★★★☆☆
Ferretti 10.4x 0.7x 49.01% ★★★★☆☆
Meilleure Health International Industry Group 25.9x 9.5x 22.10% ★★★☆☆☆
Analogue Holdings 12.7x 0.2x 43.91% ★★★☆☆☆
Skyworth Group 4.7x 0.1x -139.21% ★★★☆☆☆
Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing 5.8x 0.3x -19.39% ★★★☆☆☆
CN Logistics International Holdings 19.3x 0.4x 25.41% ★★★☆☆☆
Comba Telecom Systems Holdings NA 0.6x 35.85% ★★★☆☆☆

Click here to see the full list of 10 stocks from our Undervalued SEHK Small Caps With Insider Buying screener.

We're going to check out a few of the best picks from our screener tool.

Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing (SEHK:2314)

Simply Wall St Value Rating: ★★★☆☆☆

Overview: Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing is a company engaged in the production of packaging paper, tissue paper, and pulp with a market capitalization of HK$22.49 billion.

Operations: The company's revenue streams are primarily derived from packaging paper and tissue paper, with packaging paper contributing the largest share. The cost of goods sold (COGS) significantly impacts gross profit, which has shown variability over time. Notably, the net income margin has experienced fluctuations, reaching a high of 19.51% in December 2017 and a low of 2.67% in June 2023.

PE: 5.8x

Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing, a small cap in Hong Kong, recently saw insider confidence with Ho Chung Lee purchasing 483,000 shares for HK$1.10 million between July and August 2024. The company reported half-year sales of HK$12.51 billion, up from HK$12.21 billion last year, and net income rose to HK$805.69 million from HK$359.9 million a year ago. Despite higher-risk external borrowing as its sole funding source, earnings are forecasted to grow by 5.83% annually.

SEHK:2314 Ownership Breakdown as at Sep 2024
SEHK:2314 Ownership Breakdown as at Sep 2024

Comba Telecom Systems Holdings (SEHK:2342)

Simply Wall St Value Rating: ★★★☆☆☆

Overview: Comba Telecom Systems Holdings specializes in providing wireless telecommunications network system equipment and services, as well as operator telecommunication services, with a market cap of approximately HK$1.64 billion.

Operations: The company generates revenue primarily from Wireless Telecommunications Network System Equipment and Services, which accounted for HK$4941.02 million, and Operator Telecommunication Services at HK$156.22 million. The gross profit margin has shown variability with a recent figure of 0.28178% as of June 2024. Operating expenses consist mainly of Sales & Marketing, R&D, and General & Administrative expenses, reflecting significant cost components impacting net income outcomes over the periods analyzed.

PE: -12.0x

Comba Telecom Systems Holdings, a smaller player in Hong Kong's telecom sector, has seen insider confidence with recent share purchases over the past six months. Despite earnings declining by 1.7% annually over the last five years and a volatile share price in the past three months, insiders have shown faith in its future prospects. The company reported a consolidated loss of HK$160 million for H1 2024 due to delayed network projects and lower other income but remains active in industry events like MWC Shanghai 2024.

SEHK:2342 Share price vs Value as at Sep 2024
SEHK:2342 Share price vs Value as at Sep 2024

Ferretti (SEHK:9638)

Simply Wall St Value Rating: ★★★★☆☆

Overview: Ferretti is a company engaged in the design, construction, and marketing of yachts and recreational boats with a market cap of €1.19 billion.

Operations: Ferretti generates revenue primarily from the design, construction, and marketing of yachts and recreational boats. For the period ending June 30, 2024, the company reported a gross profit margin of 36.04% on revenues of €1.30 billion. Operating expenses for this period amounted to €360.28 million with general and administrative expenses being a significant component at €263.40 million.

PE: 10.4x

Ferretti, a small cap in Hong Kong, has seen notable insider confidence with significant share purchases over the past six months. Recent executive changes include Mr. Stefano de Vivo's departure and Mr. Jiang Kui's appointment as Chairman of the Board, reflecting strong leadership continuity. The company reported half-year sales of €695.1 million and net income of €43.86 million, showing steady financial performance despite market challenges. Future growth prospects look promising with earnings forecasted to grow 12% annually.

SEHK:9638 Share price vs Value as at Sep 2024
SEHK:9638 Share price vs Value as at Sep 2024

Summing It All Up

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