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How to Transfer Stocks from Valuable Capital Limited to Webull HK

The process of transferring stock to Webull consists of two steps:

Step 1: Notify Webull of the transfer of shares (please click here for Webull Account Opening Guidelines>>>)

Step 2: Notify the delivering broker (taking Valuable Capital Limited as an example) to transfer out the stock

1. Notify Webull to transfer shares

Step1) Open the Webull App - the Navigation Bar - Transfer - Transfer Stock


Step2) Select the stock market

Note: If you need to transfer shares to different markets, please submit the stock transfer application separately.

Step3) Fill in the broker information

Note: Stock transfers are limited to transfers of accounts with the same name.

Receiving Broker: The system will automatically fill in your information.

Delivering broker: Select "Valuable Capital Limited"

Account Name: You may select the Chinese name or English name depending on the name registered on the delivering broker

Account Number: Fill in the account number of the delivering broker


Step4) Add transfer stock information


Step5) Confirm the information

Check the transferor, stock code, number of shares and other information, and submit the transfer application


2. Notify the delivering broker (taking Valuable Capital Limited as an example) to transfer out the stock

Step1) Please refer to Valuable Capital Limited's stock transfer guidelines

Step2) Fill out the Stock Submission Form

Note: Different stocks need to be filled in and submitted seperately.

Stock Symbol: Select the stock symbol that needs to be withdrawn

Quantity: Fill in according to the actual situation

CCASS CODE/Name: B02175

Your Webull account number can be viewed in [Webull App - Middle of the Navigation Bar - Assets - Account Details - Top Left Corner of the page].


Step5) Confirm the information

Check the stock, Webull account number and other information, and click [Confirm] after confirming that it is correct.

Step6) Webull Hong Kong stock and A share transfer broker information, please click the following link for further details:

7) After completing the application, please contact Valuable Capital Limited to confirm that the transfer information is correct and process the transfer out as soon as possible

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