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Raisio And 2 Other Promising Penny Stocks To Consider

Simply Wall St·12/10/2024 03:09:53
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Global markets have shown mixed performances recently, with major indexes like the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite reaching record highs, while others such as the Russell 2000 experienced declines. Amid these fluctuating conditions, investors often look beyond large-cap stocks to explore opportunities in smaller companies that may offer both value and growth potential. Though the term "penny stocks" might seem outdated, it remains relevant for identifying smaller or newer companies that could provide significant upside when backed by strong financials and a clear growth trajectory.

Top 10 Penny Stocks

Name Share Price Market Cap Financial Health Rating
DXN Holdings Bhd (KLSE:DXN) MYR0.51 MYR2.54B ★★★★★★
Embark Early Education (ASX:EVO) A$0.78 A$143.12M ★★★★☆☆
Datasonic Group Berhad (KLSE:DSONIC) MYR0.425 MYR1.18B ★★★★★★
Hil Industries Berhad (KLSE:HIL) MYR0.90 MYR298.75M ★★★★★★
ME Group International (LSE:MEGP) £2.16 £806.27M ★★★★★★
Bosideng International Holdings (SEHK:3998) HK$4.02 HK$44.27B ★★★★★★
LaserBond (ASX:LBL) A$0.575 A$67.4M ★★★★★★
Lever Style (SEHK:1346) HK$0.87 HK$545.92M ★★★★★★
Secure Trust Bank (LSE:STB) £3.53 £67.32M ★★★★☆☆
Tristel (AIM:TSTL) £3.65 £183.61M ★★★★★★

Click here to see the full list of 5,700 stocks from our Penny Stocks screener.

We're going to check out a few of the best picks from our screener tool.


Simply Wall St Financial Health Rating: ★★★★★★

Overview: Raisio plc, with a market cap of €350.57 million, operates in the production and sale of food and food ingredients across Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, and other parts of Europe.

Operations: The company's revenue is primarily derived from its Healthy Food segment, which contributed €149.7 million, and the Healthy Ingredients segment, with €112 million in revenue.

Market Cap: €350.57M

Raisio plc, operating in the food sector with a market cap of €350.57 million, has shown stable financial health with short-term assets exceeding both its long and short-term liabilities. Despite being debt-free and trading below estimated fair value, the company faces challenges such as low return on equity (7%) and negative earnings growth over the past year. Recent earnings reports indicate slight sales growth but declining quarterly net income (€4.9 million from €5.9 million). The dividend yield of 6.36% is not well covered by earnings, reflecting potential sustainability concerns amidst management changes and an inexperienced team average tenure of 1.7 years.

HLSE:RAIVV Financial Position Analysis as at Dec 2024
HLSE:RAIVV Financial Position Analysis as at Dec 2024

Comba Telecom Systems Holdings (SEHK:2342)

Simply Wall St Financial Health Rating: ★★★★☆☆

Overview: Comba Telecom Systems Holdings Limited is an investment holding company that researches, develops, manufactures, and sells wireless telecommunications network system equipment and related engineering services globally, with a market cap of HK$2.58 billion.

Operations: The company generates revenue from two main segments: Operator Telecommunication Services, contributing HK$156.22 million, and Wireless Telecommunications Network System Equipment and Services, which brings in HK$4.94 billion.

Market Cap: HK$2.58B

Comba Telecom Systems Holdings, with a market cap of HK$2.58 billion, has demonstrated financial resilience by reducing its debt-to-equity ratio from 48.5% to 32.6% over five years and maintaining more cash than total debt. Despite unprofitability and increased losses at a rate of 1.7% annually over the past five years, it holds significant short-term assets (HK$6.5 billion) exceeding both long-term (HK$515.4 million) and short-term liabilities (HK$4.7 billion). Recent leadership changes include Ms. Huo Xinru's appointment as president, potentially impacting strategic direction given her extensive industry experience since joining in 2010.

SEHK:2342 Debt to Equity History and Analysis as at Dec 2024
SEHK:2342 Debt to Equity History and Analysis as at Dec 2024

China Vered Financial Holding (SEHK:245)

Simply Wall St Financial Health Rating: ★★★★★★

Overview: China Vered Financial Holding Corporation Limited is an investment holding company offering asset management, consultancy, financing, and securities advisory and brokerage services across Hong Kong, Mainland China, Japan, and Canada with a market cap of approximately HK$1.82 billion.

Operations: The company's revenue is primarily derived from Investment Holding (HK$58.71 million), Asset Management (HK$16.56 million), and Securities Brokerage including Investment Banking (HK$9.04 million).

Market Cap: HK$1.82B

China Vered Financial Holding, with a market cap of HK$1.82 billion, operates in investment holding and related services across several regions. Despite being unprofitable with losses increasing over the past five years, it maintains a strong financial position by being debt-free and having sufficient cash runway for more than three years. The company has experienced shareholder dilution with shares outstanding growing by 7.1%, but its short-term assets of HK$1.4 billion comfortably cover short-term liabilities of HK$285 million. Recently, it was added to the S&P Global BMI Index, potentially enhancing its visibility among investors.

SEHK:245 Revenue & Expenses Breakdown as at Dec 2024
SEHK:245 Revenue & Expenses Breakdown as at Dec 2024

Key Takeaways

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