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November 2024's Must-Watch Penny Stocks

Simply Wall St·11/08/2024 21:09:11
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Global markets have experienced a tumultuous week, with major indices such as the Nasdaq Composite and S&P MidCap 400 reaching record highs before retreating amid a flurry of earnings reports and economic data. Despite these fluctuations, the allure of penny stocks—often seen as relics from past trading eras—remains strong for investors seeking growth potential at lower price points. These smaller or newer companies can offer substantial opportunities when they are underpinned by solid financials, making them an intriguing area to explore in today's market conditions.

Top 10 Penny Stocks

Name Share Price Market Cap Financial Health Rating
BP Plastics Holding Bhd (KLSE:BPPLAS) MYR1.24 MYR349.03M ★★★★★★
Lever Style (SEHK:1346) HK$0.83 HK$526.87M ★★★★★★
Rexit Berhad (KLSE:REXIT) MYR0.785 MYR135.97M ★★★★★★
DXN Holdings Bhd (KLSE:DXN) MYR0.49 MYR2.44B ★★★★★★
Embark Early Education (ASX:EVO) A$0.755 A$138.53M ★★★★☆☆
Hil Industries Berhad (KLSE:HIL) MYR0.88 MYR292.11M ★★★★★★
Polar Capital Holdings (AIM:POLR) £4.955 £489.64M ★★★★★★
Wellcall Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WELLCAL) MYR1.53 MYR761.86M ★★★★★★
Kelington Group Berhad (KLSE:KGB) MYR3.00 MYR2.07B ★★★★★☆
Next 15 Group (AIM:NFG) £3.80 £384.4M ★★★★☆☆

Click here to see the full list of 5,768 stocks from our Penny Stocks screener.

Let's review some notable picks from our screened stocks.

United Arab Bank P.J.S.C (ADX:UAB)

Simply Wall St Financial Health Rating: ★★★★☆☆

Overview: United Arab Bank P.J.S.C. offers commercial banking products and services to institutional and corporate clients in the United Arab Emirates, with a market capitalization of AED2.33 billion.

Operations: The company's revenue from Retail Banking amounts to AED54.37 million.

Market Cap: AED2.33B

United Arab Bank P.J.S.C. presents a mixed picture for investors interested in penny stocks. The bank has demonstrated strong earnings growth over the past five years, averaging 63.9% annually, although recent growth of 5.7% lags behind its historical performance and industry peers. Its Price-To-Earnings ratio of 9x suggests it may be undervalued compared to the broader AE market average of 13.4x. Despite high-quality earnings and primarily low-risk funding sources, challenges include a high level of non-performing loans at 5.1%. Recent financial results show stable net interest income but a decline in quarterly net income year-over-year.

ADX:UAB Revenue & Expenses Breakdown as at Nov 2024
ADX:UAB Revenue & Expenses Breakdown as at Nov 2024

Qingci Games (SEHK:6633)

Simply Wall St Financial Health Rating: ★★★★★★

Overview: Qingci Games Inc. is an investment holding company that develops, publishes, and operates mobile games across multiple regions including China, Japan, the United States, and more, with a market cap of approximately HK$1.70 billion.

Operations: The company's revenue segment primarily consists of Computer Graphics, generating CN¥914.42 million.

Market Cap: HK$1.7B

Qingci Games Inc. offers an intriguing prospect for penny stock investors, with a market cap of approximately HK$1.70 billion and recent half-year sales of CN¥342.62 million, showing slight growth from last year. Despite being unprofitable, the company has more cash than debt and a sufficient cash runway for over three years if free cash flow continues to decline at historical rates. The management team and board are experienced, with average tenures of 4.6 and 3.4 years respectively. While earnings are forecasted to grow substantially by 168% annually, past profit growth remains elusive as losses have increased slightly over five years.

SEHK:6633 Revenue & Expenses Breakdown as at Nov 2024
SEHK:6633 Revenue & Expenses Breakdown as at Nov 2024

Zhongtian Service (SZSE:002188)

Simply Wall St Financial Health Rating: ★★★★★★

Overview: Zhongtian Service Co., Ltd. offers property management and related services in China, with a market cap of CN¥1.46 billion.

Operations: No specific revenue segments are reported for Zhongtian Service Co., Ltd.

Market Cap: CN¥1.46B

Zhongtian Service Co., Ltd. presents a mixed picture for penny stock investors, with a market cap of CN¥1.46 billion and recent sales of CN¥264.37 million for the first nine months of 2024, reflecting modest growth from the previous year. Despite having no debt and an experienced management team with an average tenure of 4.1 years, profitability has been challenged by significant one-off losses affecting earnings quality and a sharp decline in net income to CN¥3.03 million from CN¥19.58 million last year. The company’s short-term assets comfortably cover both short-term and long-term liabilities, providing some financial stability amidst volatile profit margins.

SZSE:002188 Debt to Equity History and Analysis as at Nov 2024
SZSE:002188 Debt to Equity History and Analysis as at Nov 2024

Taking Advantage

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